On chloroform and other anæsthetics: their action and administration

Benjamin Ward Richardson John Snow

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Beschreibung zu „On chloroform and other anæsthetics: their action and administration“

In John Snow's groundbreaking work 'On chloroform and other anaesthetics: their action and administration', readers are taken on a detailed exploration of the effects and uses of chloroform and other anesthetics in medical practice. This meticulously researched book delves into the physiological mechanisms behind these substances, their administration techniques, and their impact on patients during surgeries. Presented in a clear and informative style, Snow's work stands as a seminal text in the history of anesthesiology, providing valuable insights into the development of modern pain management techniques. The book also reflects the author's keen observational skills and dedication to the advancement of medical science in the mid-19th century. John Snow, a renowned physician and pioneer in the field of epidemiology, was motivated by a desire to enhance surgical practices and alleviate patient suffering. His expertise in the use of anesthetics paved the way for safer and more effective medical procedures. 'On chloroform and other anaesthetics' is a must-read for anyone interested in the evolution of anesthesia and its impact on medical history.


Good Press




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