Islam, Frauen und Europa

Islamischer Feminismus und Gender Jihad - neue Wege für Musliminnen in Europa

Ina Wunn Mualla Selçuk

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Beschreibung zu „Islam, Frauen und Europa“

The debate on "Islamic feminism" and "gender jihad" is becoming increasingly relevant and growing in intensity in Europe, and especially in recent years in the German-speaking region. Within the context of Western feminism and Western feminist theology, intercultural and/or inter-religious dialogue is growing in importance, above all in the process of political decision-making. The articles in this book provide a comprehensive insight into this discourse focussing on the following main topics: Female Koranic exegesis and
textual hermeneutics - Islamic feminism and the discussion of social and political action strategies - Women's rights as human rights and the situation of Muslim women with and without a migrant background - Forms, tasks, and problem/conflict zones of intercultural and/or inter-religious dialogue.

Über Ina Wunn

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ina Wunn lehrt Religionswissenschaft an der Universität Hannover. Prof. Dr. Beate Schneider, Vizepräsidentin der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, lehrt dort Medienwissenschaften.


Kohlhammer Verlag




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