Saxophone Quartet sheet music: La Bamba (score & parts)

early intermediate

Francesco Leone Mexican Traditional

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Beschreibung zu „Saxophone Quartet sheet music: La Bamba (score & parts)“

"La Bamba - Mexican Traditional: Arranged for Saxophone Quartet SATB / AATB (early Intermediate Level)" is an expertly crafted eBook, offering a dynamic arrangement of the lively Mexican folk song "La Bamba" for saxophone quartet. This edition is thoughtfully tailored for intermediate-level players and provides a versatile setup, accommodating both SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone) and AATB (Alto I, Alto II, Tenor, Baritone) configurations.

Included in this eBook is a carefully prepared score, along with a complete s et of parts (5 in total), ensuring a comprehensive and enriching playing experience. The arrangement captures the spirited essence of the original song, making it a joy to play for saxophonists.

A standout feature of this eBook is the inclusion of informative sheets that delve into the cultural and historical background of "La Bamba." These sheets are presented in multiple languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. This multilingual approach not only makes the eBook accessible to a wide audience but also enhances the educational value of the arrangement.

This eBook is more than just a musical score; it's an opportunity for saxophonists to connect with and celebrate a piece of Mexican cultural heritage, while simultaneously advancing their musical skills. It's an ideal resource for music educators, saxophone quartets, and musicians interested in expanding their repertoire with culturally rich and melodically vibrant pieces.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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