Surly Tim (and other stories)

Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Beschreibung zu „Surly Tim (and other stories)“

While the eight short stories which are bound together under the title of "Surly Tim' and Other Stories," take in a wide range of subjects, while the characters are distinct and the individuals unlike, there is still a singular oneness in the artistic motive of them all, which gives to them a strong but subtle resemblance, and stamps them as the product of the same mind. "Surly Tim" is one of the most touching and powerful short stories ever to be read, but other stories like "Esmeralda," "Lodusky," " Le Monsieur de la Petite Dame," etc., show a literary power as varied in scene as it is remarkable in quality.

Über Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) fue una escritora estadounidense de origen británico. Su éxito llegó con la literatura infantil con obras como El pequeño lord (1885) (llevada al cine como El pequeño Lord Fauntleyroy) consolidándose posteriormente con La princesita (1905) y El jardín secreto (1910), completando así su trilogía para niños.


Jazzybee Verlag




ca. 190





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