From Follower to Friend

Making Friends in the Digital Age

Ferdinand Huber

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Beschreibung zu „From Follower to Friend“

Do you ever feel isolated among your digital "friends"? In an era where a "friend" is just a click away, the word friendship often loses its true meaning. This book follows Max on his journey of exploration through the complex web of digital and physical relationships. With the help of a wise online coach, Max questions the differences between online acquaintances and deep friendships, experiences the contrast between virtual and real encounters and discovers the joys of authentic connections.

From the pitfalls of online communication to the unexpected challenges of connecting in real life, Max's story is a powerful reflection on our modern relationship culture. Do you recognize yourself in Max? Then be inspired to redefine what real friendship really means in the age of the internet and social media.

Step into a world where quality trumps quantity and genuine connections stand out in the flood of digital interactions. Let Max's journey inspire you and start your own.






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