Blender Game Engine Beginner's Guide

Victor Kuller Bacone

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Beschreibung zu „Blender Game Engine Beginner's Guide“

In Detail

Blender Game Engine is the part of the Blender 3D editor used to create actual 3D video games. It's the ideal entry level game development environment because you don't even need to learn to program. Create a complete game using Bender's innovative logic bricks.

"Blender Game Engine: Beginner's Guide" is the ideal introduction to game development. Using only logic bricks, the reader will create a complete game in Blender. By the end of the book the reader will be able to use their skills to create their own 3D games.


Create a complete game step by step with no previous experience necessary. Practical tutorials take you through the entire process from beginning to end.

Who this book is for

If you have used Blender before but never got to grips with the Blender Game Engine (BGE), this book is for you. If you have tried and failed with other game development environments, or if scripting is not your strong point, this is where you should start.


Packt Publishing




ca. 95





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