Backbone.js Testing

Ryan Roemer

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Beschreibung zu „Backbone.js Testing“

In Detail

Frontend web applications are soaring in popularity and the Backbone.js library is leading this charge with a modular, lightweight approach for organizing JavaScript web applications. At the same time, testing client-side JavaScript and Backbone.js programs remains a difficult and tedious undertaking.

Backbone.js Testing brings sensible practices and current techniques to the challenges of Backbone.js test development. The book introduces fundamental testing concepts, comprehensive test infrastructure design, and practical exercises to easily and systematically test modern JavaScript web applications.

The book progresses from Mocha test suites and Chai assertions to advanced test mocks and stubs with Sinon.JS. The requisite libraries and utilities are introduced with in-depth examples and best practices for integration with your applications. The book guides you through the test planning and implementation processes for your application models, views, routers, and other Backbone.js components.

Backbone.js Testing gives you the tools, examples, and assistance to test your Backbone.js web applications thoroughly, quickly, and with confidence.


This book is packed with step-by-step tutorials and instructions in recipe format to help you create test infrastructures and gradually advance your Backbone.js application development and testing skills.

Who this book is for

If you are a JavaScript developer looking to create and implement test support for your Backbone.js applications, then this book is ideal for you.


Packt Publishing




ca. 140





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