jBPM6 Developer Guide

Mauricio Salatino Esteban Aliverti Mariano Nicolas De Maio

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Beschreibung zu „jBPM6 Developer Guide“

jBPM6 Developer Guide will guide you through each level of the jBPM6 platform, allowing you to model and build applications that will automate your business scenarios. This book will provide you with the knowledge that you need to get up and running with developing applications that use Business Processes (BPM) as a foundation.

This book will help you understand the pieces and components inside a Business Process Management System (BPMS). Furthermore, you will learn about the shared mechanisms that the Drools and jBPM projects use to store information and define transaction boundaries.

By the end of the book, you will know how to use the KIE Workbench extension points to communicate external systems with it, and also how to use these extension points to configure the KIE Workbench in a distributed environment.


Packt Publishing




ca. 275





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