The Iron Heel

Jack London


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Beschreibung zu „The Iron Heel“

The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London. Generally considered to be "the earliest of the modern Dystopian", it chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States.The novel is based on the (fictional) "Everhard Manuscript" written by Avis Everhard which she hid and which was subsequently found centuries later. In addition, this novel has an introduction and series of (often lengthy) footnotes written from the perspective of scholar Anthony Meredith. Meredith writes from around 2600 AD or 419 B.O.M. (the Brotherhood of Man). Jack London thus writes at two levels, often having Meredith condescendingly correcting the errors of Everhard yet, at the same time, exposing the often incomplete understanding of this distant future perspective.Meredith's introduction also acts as a deliberate "spoiler" (the term did not yet exist at the time of writing). Before ever getting a chance to get to know Avis and Ernest, how they fell in love or how Avis became politically involved, the reader is already told that all their struggles and hopes would end in total failure and repression, and that both of them would be summarily executed. This gives all that follows the air of a foreordained tragedy. There is still left the consolation that a happy end would come for humanity as a whole – though hundreds of years too late for Avis and Ernest as individuals; the cruel oligarchy would fall, and the two will be vindicated and respected by posterity as pioneers and martyrs.The Oligarchy are the largest monopoly trusts (or robber barons) who manage to squeeze out the middle class by bankrupting most small to mid-sized business as well as reducing all farmers to effective serfdom. This Oligarchy maintains power through a "labor caste" and the Mercenaries. Labor in essential industries like steel and rail are elevated and given decent wages, housing, and education. Indeed, the tragic turn in the novel (and Jack London's core warning to his contemporaries) is the treachery of these favored unions which break with the other unions and side with the Oligarchy. Further, a second, military caste is formed: the Mercenaries. The Mercenaries are officially the army of the US but are in fact in the employ of the Oligarchs.

Über Jack London

Jack London nació en San Francisco en 1876, hijo ilegítimo de un astrólogo ambulante que pronto los abandonaría a él y a su madre, una joven «huida» de una acomodada familia de Ohio. Poco después de dar a luz, la madre se casó con John London, carpintero y vigilante jurado entre otros oficios, de quien el hijo tomaría el apellido. Jack dejó el colegio a los trece años, y desde entonces hasta los veintisiete, edad en la que se consagraría como escritor, su juventud fue inquieta y agitada: sus biógrafos y él mismo convertirían en leyenda sus múltiples trabajos y vagabundeos, de ladrón de ostras a buscador de oro en Alaska, así como su visionaria vocación política, formalizada con su ingreso en 1896 en el Partido Socialista de los Tra-bajadores. En 1903 publicó un reportaje sobre el proletariado del East End londinense, Gente del abismo, y La llamada de la selva, que le lanzó a la fama. Su experiencia marinera fue la base de El lobo de mar (1904), otro gran éxito, y a partir de entonces publicó asiduamente narrativa y ensayos, pronunció conferencias por todo el mundo y emprendió nuevos viajes. De uno de ellos nació un ciclo sobre los Mares del Sur, al que pertenecen los cuentos de La casa del orgullo (1909; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. ). Son de especial interés sus textos autobiográficos, la novela Martin Eden (1909) y las «memorias alcohólicas» de John Barleycorn (1913). London murió de una sobredosis de morfina y atropina en su rancho californiano, en 1916.






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