What to Eat, How to Serve it

Christine Terhune Herrick

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Beschreibung zu „What to Eat, How to Serve it“

In Christine Terhune Herrick's book, 'What to Eat, How to Serve it,' the reader is offered a comprehensive guide to proper etiquette and meal planning in the late 19th century. Written in a clear and practical style, Herrick covers everything from menu planning to table settings, all within the context of the evolving culinary landscape of her time. Readers will be transported back to a time when social norms dictated every aspect of dining, and Herrick's attention to detail provides a fascinating glimpse into the customs of the era. As a respected author and culinary expert of her time, Christine Terhune Herrick's background as a food writer and cooking instructor shines through in 'What to Eat, How to Serve it.' With a keen understanding of both the practical and social aspects of dining, Herrick's expertise is evident in every page of this informative guide. I highly recommend 'What to Eat, How to Serve it' to readers interested in culinary history, social customs, and etiquette. Herrick's thorough and insightful approach offers a window into a bygone era, making this book a valuable resource for those curious about the intricacies of dining in the late 19th century.


Good Press




ca. 151





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