The Home in the Valley

Emilie Flygare-Carlén

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Beschreibung zu „The Home in the Valley“

The Home in the Valley by Emilie Flygare-Carlin is a bright and lovely story about the delights of home. Excerpt: "In one of father La Fontaine's books, may be found a description of a lovely valley, the residence of a beautiful and modest maiden, and of the heroine of this Arcadia he writes: "There stands our heroine, as lovely as the valley, her home, and as virtuous and good as her mother, who has devoted a lifetime to the education of her daughter." But with the history of this maiden he weaves the workings of an evil genius, which in the end is triumphant; for even the pure are contaminated after they arrive at that period when they consider that vice has its virtues."


Good Press




ca. 117





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