State management in Sport through anchoring

What is before victory? The preparation for it!

Dirk Jungels

Psychologie & Selbsthilfe

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Beschreibung zu „State management in Sport through anchoring“

Have you ever experienced how your condition prevented you from triggering your best performance in a competition? What would you have needed in this situation to find a positive solution? Can you, however, remember a condition in which you succeeded in solving a situation with ease? These are crucial questions to consciously control your condition and thus to achieve better performance and to have success. Whoever wants to be successful in his sport nowadays, can't get around the active control of his psyche. The psyche is the decisive advantage when physically, technically and tactically equally trained athletes compete with each other. Your own condition can be controlled via so-called anchors. Use this eBook in order to find your anchor and to be able to control your condition at any time. You can apply it immediately.


Institut für Athletenentwicklung




ca. 10





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