1001 Outdoor Swimming Tips

Environmental, safety, training and gear advice for cold-water, open-water and wild swimmers

Calum Maclean

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Beschreibung zu „1001 Outdoor Swimming Tips“

1001 Outdoor Swimming Tips by Calum Maclean is a light-hearted and informative guide to all kinds of outdoor and wild swimming.
This is no standard instruction manual – it is much more useful than that. This is a huge collection of small tips to make a real difference to your outdoor swimming, whether you're planning your first forays into swimming outdoors or enjoy icy swims in the depths of winter – this book will take you through everything you need to know.
The vast range of topics covered includes everything from biosecurity and the safety of others to cold-water swimming, recovery, night swimming, swimming with children, the essential gear you'll need, training and how to get that perfect underwater photo. Whether you're a wild swimming novice or have plenty of experience in water, Calum's entertaining and knowledgeable advice will inspire you and help to enrich your time in the water.


Vertebrate Publishing




ca. 139





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