His Last Bow

Arthur Conan Doyle

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Beschreibung zu „His Last Bow“

His Last Bow Arthur Conan Doyle - His Last Bow is a collection of previously published Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, including the titular short story, "His Last Bow. The War Service of Sherlock Holmes" (1917). The collection's first US edition adjusts the anthology's subtitle to Some Later Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes. All editions contain a brief preface, by "John H. Watson, M.D.", that assures readers that as of the date of publication (1917), Holmes is long retired from his profession of detective but is still alive and well, albeit suffering from a touch of rheumatism.The collection contains "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box", which was also included in the first edition of in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894) but was dropped from later editions of that book.Six of the stories were published in The Strand Magazine between September 1908 and December 1913. The Strand published "The Adventure of Wistaria Lodge" as "A Reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes" and divided it into two parts, called "The Singular Experience of Mr. John Scott Eccles" and "The Tiger of San Pedro". Later printings of His Last Bow correct Wistaria to Wisteria.The final story, "His Last Bow. The War Service of Sherlock Holmes" (1917), an epilogue about Holmes' war service, was first published in Collier's on 22 September 1917--one month before the book's premiere on 22 October.

Über Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle wurde am 22. Mai 1859 in Edinburgh geboren. Er studierte Medizin und unternahm als Schiffsarzt Reisen nach Afrika und in die Antarktis. 1882 eröffnete er eine Arztpraxis in Southsea bei Porthsmouth und begann in seiner Freizeit, Geschichten zu schreiben. 1887 veröffentlichte er seine erste Erzählung über den Detektiv Sherlock Holmes und seinen Freund, den Arzt Dr. Watson: A Study in Scarlet (dt. Eine Studie in Scharlachrot). Mit seinen Detektiverzählungen um Sherlock Holmes, insbesondere dem 1903 erschienenen Romans The Hound of the Baskervilles (dt.: Der Hund der Baskervilles) erlangte Doyle Welt-ruhm. In seinen späteren Jahren begann er Zukunftsromane in der Tradition von Jules Verne zu schreiben und widmete sich in zunehmendem Maße dem Spiritismus. Am 7. Juli 1930 starb Doyle in Windlesham an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts.


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