The Mysterious Affair at Styles

Agatha Christie

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Beschreibung zu „The Mysterious Affair at Styles“

The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel by British writer Agatha Christie. It was written in the middle of the First World War, in 1916, and first published by John Lane in the United States in October 1920 and in the United Kingdom by The Bodley Head (John Lane's UK company) on 21 January 1921.Styles was Christie's first published novel. It introduced Hercule Poirot, Inspector (later, Chief Inspector) Japp, and Arthur Hastings. Poirot, a Belgian refugee of the Great War, is settling in England near the home of Emily Inglethorp, who helped him to his new life. His friend Hastings arrives as a guest at her home. When the woman is killed, Poirot uses his detective skills to solve the mystery.

Über Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie schuf den modernen britischen Kriminalroman. Sie schrieb 68 Krimis, zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten, zwanzig Theaterstücke, eine Autobiographie, einen Gedichtband und – unter ihrem Pseudonym Mary Westmacott – sechs Romanzen. Sie gilt als die meistgelesene Schriftstellerin überhaupt. Die »Queen of Crime« verband ihre Lebenserfahrungen mit Phantasie, psychologischem Feinsinn, skurrilem Humor und Ironie. 1971 in den Adelsstand erhoben, starb sie im Alter von 85 Jahren am 12. Januar 1976.


Amila Jay




ca. 170





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